Terms of use:

Registration to this website is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms mentioned below and wish to register, please go to registration page, fill up the details, check the 'I agree to the terms of use' checkbox and press the 'Register' button. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the homepage.

A registered users of PlanCareer will be termed as contributor in this document. You, as a contributor grant PlanCareer a nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual, unlimited, assignable, sublicenseable, fully paid up and royalty-free right to us to copy, prepare derivative works of, improve, distribute, publish, remove, retain, add, process, analyze, use and commercialize, in any way now known or in the future discovered, any information you provide, directly or indirectly to PlanCareer, including, but not limited to, any user generated content, ideas, concepts, techniques or data to the services, you submit to PlanCareer, without any further consent, notice and/or compensation to you or to any third parties. Any information you submit to us is at your own risk of loss.

By providing information to us, you represent and warrant that you are entitled to submit the information and that the information is accurate, not confidential, and not in violation of any contractual restrictions or other third party rights.

PlanCareer will not be responsible if any duplicacy of your text/content occurs on the internet, however you are free to take any legal action against that party (whoever is responsible for duplicacy) and also grant us the permission although don't obligate us to do so.

Due to a huge amount of content update on the website, it's not responsible for PlanCareer to review all the material which is posted on the website. PlanCareer cannot guarantee the validity of the information found here. PlanCareer will not be held responsible for any incorrect information provided on the website or for any form (physical/mental/monetary/ANY other) of losses that occur to you.

It's also not possible for PlanCareer to review or find whether the content updated by a contributor has been copied from somewhere else. This can't be held against PlanCareer in court and PlanCareer takes no responsibility of any such incidence. On the other hand, if you discover that you are the victim of such incidence and your copyrighted content has been copied to PlanCareer website, do let us know, we'd investigate the matter and if found true, we'd remove the stated content from the website.

By agreeing to these rules, you also warrant that you will not post any material that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws in your country. You also agree that you'll not post any material which is inappropriate or irrelevent for any sane human being.

PlanCareer reserves the right to add, edit, update or remove any content on the website any reason and for any added edited or updated content, PlanCareer will hold the copyright.

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